Mission Statement
About SOCM

Wicca/Witch Craft

 Book of Shadows


Coven's Mission Statement

Aurora the Dragon


Our Coven's Mission Statement

In perfect love & perfect trust...
Perfect love takes work and effort. Perfect trust comes with time and communication.
We must unlearn our own insecurities and look on others with out judging or persecution. We must know ourselves and love ourselves then can we know and love the souls of eachother.
We must have hearts with out fear, souls with oute hate, and eyes with out judgment.
We must learn to trust our own intuition before we can trust the words of others. We can only love & trust in perfection if those we choose, choose the same for themselves.
We cannot force another to trust us or love us unconditionaly. We can only teach by example. With perfect love we must learn to give it unconditionaly and not place expectations on others.
With perfect trust we must speak with only honesty and grace as trust cannot come with harsh words. Acceptance of eachother for choices,background and knowledge without envy or pride. Opening our hearth of heart allows a circle of love to flow. As we are witches we are also human. Fatefully flawed. We should always be aware of our feelings & learn to be secure enough in ourselves to share those feelings honestly. This allows us to grow both individually and collectively. Sometimes words are difficult to hear but everyone has the right to be heard. And everyone has the right to rebutal.